SEBS-NA is a Section 501(C)(3), charitable organization. Our federal Tax ID for SEBS-NA Inc is 86-1982310 which is in good standing with IRS reporting since 2000. In the past organization like The World Bank, EduVision, Clean-Up Nepal has partnered with SEBS-NA for various fund raising and social causes. We have very strict monitoring policies on how the funds gets disbursed in Nepal. We partner with SEBS in Nepal to appropriately disburse the funds. We are also the only organization that do not charge any fee or have admin fees for donor. We transfer to the recipient, 100% of what we receive from the donor (less financial institution charges).
Click here to participate in our recurring Donation Program: Monthly Giving

You may also use Zelle to send your donation using [email protected] instead of PayPal (US only).
**We are a volunteer-based organization. 100% of your donation goes to the projects you specify (excluding int’l bank transaction fees).
Our only expenditures are related to website management, merchandise development, and annual general meeting-related logistical/miscellaneous
expenses. They are covered by your unrestricted donations and other fundraising avenues.**